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Hey everyone,

Thank you so much for jumping into the TLFit community!

Has it been awhile since you got your DANCE ON?

Maybe you’ve been so busy with work, kids, and LIFE you haven’t been able to make yourself a priority?

Have you felt low energy and been without a community to support you?

Or maybe you’re just OVER repetitive, predictable workouts and want something that will be super effective and fun?

Let’s do this!!!!!!

Since my first dance class (Creative Movement - age 3), I’ve found solace and strength through dance that just doesn’t come any other way.

No matter what’s going on in life, coming through the studio doors has meant being in a safe place to express emotions I couldn’t articulate in words and left me with hope I wouldn’t have otherwise found.

That’s my hope for you in every class.

I’m here to help you get a kick-ass workout, for sure. But then we add some personality, some emotion, and attitude to those moves, and soon enough you’ll find your inner DIVA just ready to fly out and take over!

Physically, all the TLFit classes will strengthen your muscles, better your coordination, plus increase your stamina and flexibility.

The mental gifts of dance, though, are endless. No matter what you are feeling on the outside, inside our workout time you may find all kinds of energy and emotions that need to make their way out.

Whether you choose to take classes on my YouTube channel or to come join me in person, by the end of class you’ll feel spent and happy! (Shout out to those endorphins.)

If you’re ready to let go of your insecurities…the excuses to not workout..the drive to be perfect ALL the time…

If you’re ready to laugh at yourself a little, laugh at me, and laugh with new friends…let’s dance.

If you want to feel like you ARE that Janet Jackson backup dancer, that old-school Fly Girl, or moving your booty on stage with Beyonce …LET’S DANCE IT OUT!

I can’t wait to see you in class.

In Health and Love,




Fun facts!

When I get a moment alone, I like to: go on a walk outside (or in Target) and listen to my favorite podcast.

I’m currently obsessed with: “POSE” on Netflix. "The category is...LIVE, WORK, POSE!" 

I geek out over: Crossword Puzzles (love me some Will Shortz)

I still can’t: Do a pull up. Seriously…not even one.

Ultimate inspiration: JLo

Teenage crush: Lenny Kravitz

Best dessert ever: German chocolate cake

Favorite q.t. with the kids: Building everything with Legos

When I’m not teaching: I’m cleaning up said Legos (#OnlyMyselfToBlame)

Preferred grown-up drink: red wine when it’s cold, margarita when it’s hot.

First job: teaching 12-year old girls jazz and hip-hop (some things never change!)
